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Showing posts from July 14, 2021

Felxbox css

flexbox-css The Flex Container Properties - Understanding Flexbox: Everything you need to know “Baseline” really sounds fancy. “Baseline” really sounds fancy. The result appears to look just like flex-start but it is subtly different. What the heck is “baseline”? The image below should help. Notice how all the flex-items are aligned to have their content seat on the “baseline”? 6. Align-content While discussing the wrap property, do you remember what happened when you added more flex-items to the flex-container? You got a multi-line flex container. The align-content property is used on multi-line flex-containers. It takes the same values as align-items apart from baseline. By definition, it controls how the flex-items are aligned in a multi-line flex container. Just like align-ite...

Fundamental Data Structures in JavaScript

Fundamental Data Structures in JavaScript Fundamental Data Structures in JavaScript A simple to follow guide to Lists Stacks and Queues, with animated gifs, diagrams, and code examples! Fundamental Data Structures in JavaScript A simple to follow guide to Lists Stacks and Queues, with animated gifs, diagrams, and code examples! Linked Lists In the university setting, it’s common for Linked Lists to appear early on in an undergraduate’s Computer Science ...

Breaking Down Scope, Context, And Closure In JavaScript In Simple Terms.

Breaking Down Scope, Context, And Closure In JavaScript In Simple Terms. Breaking Down Scope, Context, And Closure In JavaScript In Simple Terms. “JavaScript’s global scope is like a public toilet. You can’t avoid going in there, but try to limit your contact with surfaces when you… Breaking Down Scope, Context, And Closure In JavaScript In Simple Terms. Photo by Florian Olivo on  Unsplash “ J avaScript’s global scope is like a public toilet. You can’t avoid going in there, but try to limit your contact with surfaces when you do.” ― Dmitry Baranowski Here’s another (much) more simple article I wrote on the subject: Closures In Javascript Answer A closure is a function defined...