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My Favorite Vscode Themes

My Favorite VSCode Themes

My Favorite VSCode Themes


My Favorite VSCode Themes

Product Icon Themes:

Fluent Icons

A product icon theme for Visual Studio Code

Product icons themes allow theme authors to customize the icons used in VS Code’s built-in views: all icons except file icons (covered by file icon themes) and icons contributed by extensions. This extension uses Fluent Icons.


  1. Install the icon theme from the Marketplace
  2. Open the command palette (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P) and search for Preferences: Product Icon Theme
  3. Select Fluent Icons


Monokai Oblique by pushqrdx

Monokai inspired theme for Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio IDE.

Monokai Pro by monokai (commercial)

Beautiful functionality for professional developers, from the author of the original Monokai color scheme.

Night Owl by Sarah Drasner

A VS Code theme for the night owls out there. Works well in the daytime, too, but this theme is fine-tuned for those of us who like to code late into the night. Color choices have taken into consideration what is accessible to people with color blindness and in low-light circumstances. Decisions were also based on meaningful contrast for reading comprehension and for optimal razzle dazzle. ✨

Plastic by Will Stone

A simple theme.

Nord by arcticicestudio

An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Visual Studio Code theme.

Rainglow by Dayle Rees

Collection of 320+ beautiful syntax and UI themes.

Relaxed Theme by Michael Kühnel

A relaxed theme to take a more relaxed view of things.

Shades of Purple by Ahmad Awais

⚡ A professional theme with hand-picked & bold shades of purple 💜 to go along with your VS Code. A custom VS Code theme with style.

2077 theme by Endormi

Cyberpunk 2077 inspired theme

An Old Hope Theme by Dustin Sanders

VSCode theme inspired by a galaxy far far away…

Ariake Dark by wart

Dark VSCode theme inspired by Japanese traditional colors and the poetry composed 1000 years ago.

Atom One Dark Theme by Mahmoud Ali

One Dark Theme based on Atom.

Atomize by emroussel

A detailed and accurate Atom One Dark Theme.

Ayu by teabyii

A simple theme with bright colors and comes in three versions — dark, light and mirage for all day long comfortable work.

Borealis Theme by Alexander Eckert

VS Code theme inspired by the calm colors of the aurora borealis in Alaska.

Captain Sweetheart by ultradracula

Tuff but sweet theme.

City Lights by Yummygum

🏙 Yummygum’s Official City Lights suite

Cobalt2 Theme Official by Wes Bos

🔥 Official theme by Wes Bos.

Dracula Official by Dracula Theme

Official Dracula Theme. A dark theme for many editors, shells, and more.

Edge by Bogdan Lazar

A simple theme with bright colors in three variants — Night Sky, Serene and Ocean for all day long comfortable work.

Eva Theme by fisheva

A colorful and semantic coloring code theme.

Fairy Floss by nopjmp and sailorhg

A fun, purple-based pastel/candy/daydream fairyfloss theme made by sailorhg.

GitHub Theme by Thomas Pink

GitHub Theme for Visual Studio Code.

Jellybeans Theme by Dimitar Nonov

Jellybeans Theme for Visual Studio Code.

Material Palenight Theme by whizkydee

An elegant and juicy material-like theme for Visual Studio Code.

Material Theme by Mattia Astorino

The most epic theme now for Visual Studio Code.

Mno by u29dc

Minimal monochrome theme.

Slime Theme by smlombardi

A dark syntax/workbench theme for Visual Studio Code — optimized for SCSS, HTML, JS, TS, Markdown, and PHP files.

Niketa Theme by Dejan Toteff

Collection of 18 light themes separated in 4 groups by background’s brightness.

If you found this guide helpful feel free to checkout my GitHub/gists where I host similar content:


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