Javascript has a native method sort that allows sorting arrays. Doing a simple array.sort() will treat each array entry as a string and sort it alphabetically. Also you can provide your own custom sorting function. [ 'Shanghai' , 'New York' , 'Mumbai' , 'Buenos Aires' ] . sort () ; // ["Buenos Aires", "Mumbai", "New York", "Shanghai"] But when you try order an array of non ASCII characters like this ['é', 'a', 'ú', 'c'] , you will obtain a strange result ['c', 'e', 'á', 'ú'] . That happens because sort works only with the English language. See the next example: // Spanish [ 'único' , 'árbol' , 'cosas' , 'fútbol' ] . sort () ; // ["cosas", "fútbol", "árbol", "único"] // bad order // German [ 'Woche' , 'wöchentlich' , 'wäre' , 'Wann...